Thank you for your time and expressing interest in Landair Investments, LLC. Our company is focused on what matters most to the General Aviation enthusiast and their surrounding communities today. Over the past 40 years, our nation's public-use airports have declined at an average rate of one airport every eight days. These unfortunate losses were and continue to be entirely preventable.
Local municipalities and the general population have lost sight of the every day benefits their local airports provide. Many forces have aligned which provide a hostile environment for this precious community and national resource. The pressures of urban and suburban sprawl have wreaked havoc on these small airports due to land value increases, poor city/county planning, home owner complaints about airport noise, airport owner neglect of airports, and fraudulent abuse of federal funding followed by inappropriate federal agency regulation execution, just to name a few. This need not be the case.
It is our hope and goal here at LandAir Investments to combat and reverse the alarming trend of airport misinformation, abuse, and closure through the realignment of these resources in accord with their nature. I personally and professionally know the importance of aviation to our communities large and small, as a lifelong GA enthusiast, as a certified pilot and mechanic, an aviation university instructor, current working aviation professional, and Real Estate investor.
I encourage you to contact us whenever you or someone you know is aware of an airport up for sale, facing closure actions, or is looking for investment partners to help revitalize and prevent future airport closure actions. We have a wide range of aviation experience to draw from and look forward to providing you with the assistance you need